Sunday, November 21, 2010


From the pond in the post below, I continued on, not without some meandering caused by profuse thickets and spending more time looking down, to avoid tripping, than looking where i am going. (Map of how I got there - 1.9 miles) Eventually, I found the remnants of this pond. This pond looks kidney shaped on Google's map. In fact, it probably is/was. However, it's unlikely that this pond has more than a foot or so of water in the wet season. Consider that this is a drought year so, perhaps, with rainfall, this area might at least be damp.

There is a concrete dam that is broken and the breach is about the same height as the base of the pond.

The pond from a different vantage point.

... and from a 3rd vantage point.

On the way back, watching for animal signs - this is probably raccoon scat. The seeds are similar in shape to the red berries shown earlier:

Some droppings - probably rabbit, on the way back to the car.

Right in here, something caught my foot and down I went!

Droppings from heaven ...

... heaven! Must be something magical about this tree.

About a hundred or so yards from the road, i saw this group of bare areas where something (see info on next image) had brushed away the leaves.

This spot, in the bare areas, had claw marks. My compass is 4" long and the black ring is about 2 1/4 inches. Thus the claw marks are about 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 inches apart. I sent the image to the wldinfo folks at the ODNR Division of Wildlife and, again in life, learned something - these claw marks are probably made from a wild turkey!

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