Saturday, August 10, 2013


Well, it was a Christmas Tree Farm - in Hamersville, Ohio. Believed to be summer of 1974, an AMA motocross race, this photo was taken on b&w film and I'm not sure of the camera. Might have been my Miranda Fvt but probably a Nikkormat Ftn. In whichever case, while on the topic of other cameras, enjoy. This guy is.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Wayback Machine

Since I'm on an Other Cameras track, here's a crop (nuttin to look at on da sides no way, no how) of a Polaroid SX-70 foto of my son graduating from some grade. These old SX-70's have all developed cracks in the emulsions. Yawn. Ok - here da piccie:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

darker that it looks

OK, since we ain't exactly sticking to bberry images, then how about some very recent film work? This is a negative scan from Fuji something or other 400 I bought at a drugstore to test a Nikon camera I was selling. When I took this, from St. Rose Church in Cincinnati, it was so dark (how dark wazzz it?) I had to use a flashlight to see the camera settings. This was about 5 seconds at something like f 5.6, taken from a sturdy tripod, using finger pressure on the shutter button. This was a peaceful, quiet evening on the river. I'd hoped for some riverboats to streak some colors across the water but, as usual, hoping doesn't yield squat. Then again, no boats = better color streaks on the water. Well, I had a tight schedule, so this is what it is.