Saturday, January 8, 2011

2 Points!

Katie Kees, of the St. Thomas Moore Saints, drops one in, late in the game, against Washington & Jefferson College last Wednesday.  Here's Channel 9's news clip.

Does I Gotta Splain It?

(nuttin 2 say here - u figure it out)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chilly Revisit of Zagar Road Pond

Starting the new year off, we decided to take a short walk back Zagar Road. Nearby is a pond previously addressed here. The fall images were looking towards the dam. Also, the autumn images were during the drought when the water level was very low.There was a man fishing there and I didn't want to disturb his solitude. For the images below, I am now standing in the center of the dam, looking approximately north east and the drought has been substantially relieved.